Click to schedule an appointment with Good Shepherd Urgent Care.
See how our ER wait times are calculated.

    Request an Appointment

    If this is a medical emergency please call 911. Fields marked with an * are required.

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Email Address *

    Phone Number *

    Preferred Contact Method *

    Birth Date *

    Gender *

    Address *

    City *

    State *

    Zip *

    Service Requested *

    What time of day works best for your appointment?

    Are You a New Patient?

    Do You Have a Primary Care Provider?

    If Yes, What is Their Name?

    How can we help you?

    How did you hear about us?
    Search EngineGood Shepherd WebsiteNewspaperRadioPandoraYellow PagesMailReferred by a FriendOther




