Click to schedule an appointment with Good Shepherd Urgent Care.
See how our ER wait times are calculated.
Paying for Your Care

All financial counseling is completely confidential, and conducted in an atmosphere of dignity and respect. Our goal is to remove the confusion and stress from the payment process.

Insurance Billing

If you provide us with insurance information, we will bill your insurance company as a courtesy. Please understand, however, that you are ultimately responsible for paying for the care you receive at Good Shepherd.

We will send you an itemized statement of charges for your information when we bill your insurance. If we have not received payment from your insurance company within thirty days, we will send you a follow-up bill. At that point, we expect you to promptly resolve any issues with your insurance coverage—or to simply pay the bill yourself.

Financial Assistance

We take great pride in providing needed healthcare services to anyone, regardless of their ability to pay. Our financial counselors can help determine if you are eligible for a complete or partial reduction of your bill based on your financial situation.

Learn more about our Financial Assistance Policy and Procedure: English | Spanish

Financial Assistance Policy

Financial Assistance Application

View the Providers or Provider Groups Covered by GSHCS Financial Assistance Policy.

Our counselors can be reached at 541.667.3450.

Hospital Pricing Information

Click here to access information on our current standard pricing for hospital procedures.

Click here to download a copy of our current hospital procedure pricing list.

Learn more about your rights and protections against surprise medical bills.

Financial Counseling

Our financial counselors are here to help you through the sometimes complex billing and payment process. You can reach them at 541.667.3450.

They can:

  • Answer your questions about your bill.
  • Work with you to make payment arrangements for large bills.
  • Help you apply for the Oregon Health Plan, the state’s program of health insurance for low-income citizens.
  • Find a Physician

    We take tremendous pride in employing and granting practice privileges to a wide array of qualified physicians and therapists.
    Read more
  • Oregon Healthcare

    Good Shepherd has a team of Certified Oregon Healthcare application assisters to walk you through the process of enrollment.
    Read more
  • Patient Services

    • Medical Records
    • Financial Advisor
    • Insurance Billing

How to Reach Us



