The Hospice program is Medicare-certified, and provides compassionate care for the terminally ill and their families that: ministers to the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of the patient and family; takes place in the patient’s home, during hospitalization, assisted living facilities or foster home care; concentrates on making patients as comfortable as possible so they can make the most of the time that remains to them; considers helping family members an essential part of its mission; and believes quality of life to be as important as the length of life.
Occupational Therapy:
The Occupational Therapy Team develop patient-centered, holistic treatment plans that provide education focused on comfort via positioning, transfer & bed mobility safety, and caregiving training.
Massage Therapy:
Many patients who enter hospice have limited mobility or are bedfast. Massage therapy targets the muscles and soft tissues, relaxing the muscles and tendons to increase circulation. Improved circulation has a direct impact on pain management and can promote other benefits, such as: reduced fatigue, reduced anxiety, and promotes sleep & rest.