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GSH Website  300x350_2A CT Scan or CAT Scan uses a special x-ray along with sophisticated computers to produce multiple images of the area being examined. These cross-sectional images can be studied on a computer or saved to a CD and sent to your physician.

During a CT scan you lie on a motorized table that will move you into position during your exam. A large circular shaped object will spin and capture images that your doctor will use during diagnosis. Depending on the type of scan being performed you may be required to take contrast material by mouth, by an injection or both. Contrast material helps highlight sections of your body that your doctor would like to focus on.

The most common uses for CT scans include diagnostic studies of the:

    • Chest
    • Abdomen or Belly
    • Bones
    • Liver
    • Pancreas
    • Intestines
    • Kidneys
    • Bladder
    • Adrenal Glands
    • Lungs
    • Blood Vessels
    • Spinal Cord

After your exam your doctor will be able to review the test results. For more information and to schedule a CT scan please call 541.667.3520.

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Our Location

Diagnostic Imaging
Phone: 541.667.3520
610 NW 11th Street
Hermiston, OR 97838




