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GSH Website  300x350_1A Bone Density Scan, also known as a DEXA scan, is an enhanced form of x-ray technology that is used to measure bone mineral density and bone loss. A DEXA scan is performed while you lie on your back and a mechanical arm uses a low dose of radiation to examine your bones. An exam usually takes 10 to 30 minutes of your time. Once your test is completed your doctor will use the information received from a DEXA scan to help create a treatment plan that provides for optimal bone health.

After your exam your doctor will be able to review the test results. For more information about a Bone Density or DEXA scan please call 541.667.3520.

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Our Location

Diagnostic Imaging
Phone: 541.667.3520
610 NW 11th Street
Hermiston, OR 97838



