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An echocardiogram, echo, or heart ultrasound, is a test that helps your doctor assess the overall function of your heart, using moving images. During this exam a cardiac sonographer will place three electrodes on your chest. The sonographer will ask you to lay on your left side on an exam table and place a transducer on several areas of your chest. The transducer has gel on it that helps the sonographer produce clearer pictures. In some cases an IV may be needed to administer an image enhancer to better visualize how well your heart muscle is squeezing. Your technologist will explain this in more detail if needed.

Test times are approximate, but you can usually expect around 60 minutes. After your exam your doctor will be able to review the test results.

For more information and to schedule an echocardiogram, please call 541.667.3520.

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Our Location

Diagnostic Imaging
Phone: 541.667.3520
610 NW 11th Street
Hermiston, OR 97838



