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ConneXions_logoConneXions assists community members in getting connected to the many services offered throughout Umatilla and Morrow counties. The ConneXions team consists of certified, experienced Community Health Workers, as well as a highly trained nurse overseeing patient care. Community Health Workers work collaboratively with providers, services, and agencies to help our clients with health issues, basic needs, mental or behavioral health concerns, medical transportation, medication management, peer support, healthcare coverage, or financial needs. Using health education, screenings, and partnerships between our clients, their healthcare provider and ConneXions, our goal is to encourage healthier behaviors in our community members along with decreasing unnecessary healthcare service utilization.

The role of the Community Health Workers on the ConneXions team is to (1) provide culturally appropriate and accessible health education and information, (2) assure that people get the services they need, (3) provide informal counseling, mentoring and social support, (4) build individual and community capacity and (5) provide direct service to community members.

Referrals can be generated by anyone in the community: providers, community service agencies, self-referrals, EMS, Law Enforcement, from community outreach activities, well as internal Good Shepherd departments. Phone or walk-in referrals are also welcomed. ConneXions is a service of the Community Health & Outreach Department at Good Shepherd Health Care System. For more information about the ConneXions program, or to find out about vital resources in the community that could help benefit you, please contact 541.667.3504 or [email protected].



