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The state-of-the-art Family Birth Center provides Hermiston with the best in maternity care services. Our birthing suites are comfortable and come complete with a sanijet Jacuzzi tub to help ease your labor pains, comfortable couch for your support person, and rocking chair for you to soothe your newborn after delivery.

Our obstetricians, obstetrics-certified nurses, and support staff are compassionate and caring, taking into consideration your unique birthing plans. We accommodate your natural birthing plan or, if you decide to elect for an epidural, we will help arrange for that service. We are proud to deliver approximately 400 babies per year here at the Family Birth Center in Hermiston.

Should the need arise, a C-section suite is available in the Family Birth Center. So whether your C-section is scheduled or emergent, we care for you without having to leave the Family Birth Center. On average we have a 30.75 percent C-section rate and a 2.49 percent episiotomy rate, ranking us below the national average.

After your delivery, our team is here to support you and your baby. You will receive a well child check from your health care provider or a pediatrician offered by Good Shepherd Medical Group. Lactation consultation is also available by request and will show you proper techniques and answer any of your breastfeeding questions. A photo of your baby will also be taken and uploaded to our Mom365 where you can download or share the photo with friends and family.

Private tours are offered at your convenience and we will work around your schedule, giving you an opportunity to become familiar with our team and an opportunity to see our birthing suites at a time that is convenient for you. If you would like to schedule a tour, please call us at 541.667.3670.

3D ultrasounds are also available with a physician order and can be scheduled through our Diagnostic Imaging Department by calling 541.667.3520. Insurance authorization may be required.

What to Bring:

  • Comfortable Change of Clothes
  • Baby Clothes
  • Car Seat
  • Baby Blanket
  • Camera

Personal care products are provided, but if you prefer your own you are welcome to bring them.

Birth Education Classes

Through a partnership with Birthly, Good Shepherd Health Care System offers patients free access to a variety of perinatal education classes virtually. All classes are live, so patients have the opportunity to learn from and interact with certified and experienced childbirth educators. Learn more…

One-on-One Virtual Lactation Consultations

Good Shepherd Health Care System has partnered with Nest Collaborative to offer virtual lactation consultations. Learn more…


A Mother & Daughter’s Story
Hear from Good Shepherd Family Birth Center patient, Yadira, and her Mother, Maria (also a patient), who has served as a nurse in our Family Birth Center for 19 years. In this video, Mother and Daughter share about their experiences delivering their babies at Good Shepherd, and in the very same room, with the very same nurse, twenty years apart!

Our Location

Family Birth Center
Phone: 541.667.3670
610 NW 11th Street
Hermiston, OR 97838

Infant Safe Sleep Guidelines


Departments at-a-Glance

  • Cardiopulmonary Rehab

    Cardiopulmonary Rehab

    Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation is vital for patients with heart or lung concerns. We work closely with your physician to restore an active, healthy lifestyle.

  • CareVan Transport

    CareVan Transport

    We don’t want transportation to get in the way of quality health care. We offer complimentary transport for patients of Good Shepherd Medical Center.

  • Day Surgery

    Day Surgery

    Good Shepherd provides high tech surgical services including six major operative suites with modern anesthesia machines and patient monitoring devices.

  • Diagnostic Imaging

    Diagnostic Imaging

    Our comprehensive imaging services reflect the very latest in technology, forming the critical link between doctor and diagnosis

  • Family Birth Center

    Family Birth Center

    The Family Birth Center provides the best in maternity care services. Our birthing suites are comfortable and come complete with a sanijet Jacuzzi tub to help ease your labor pains, comfortable couch for your support person, and rocking chair for you to soothe your newborn after delivery.

  • Good Shepherd Cancer Center

    Good Shepherd Cancer Center

    Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Oncology is the medical practice that treats these concerns. Many areas of treatment can be beneficial to cancer and blood disorder patients. Good Shepherd can help with those needs.

  • Home Health

    Home Health

    Upon Physician’s order, Home Health Services through TLC Home Health provides quality professional care in the comfort of your own home.

  • Home Medical

    Home Medical

    Good Shepherd’s Durable Medical Equipment store front is your source for a complete line of home medical supplies and equipment.

  • Laboratory


    Good Shepherd Medical Center boasts a modern, well equipped laboratory that offers a wide variety of diagnostic services.

  • Retail Pharmacy

    Retail Pharmacy

    Good Shepherd Clinic Pharmacy is a complete retail pharmacy for prescriptions, refills and a full line of medical supplies and equipment.

  • Therapy Services

    Therapy Services

    Treatment and rehabilitative therapies at Good Shepherd include intravenous, respiratory, physical and occupational, speech, and more.



