Click to schedule an appointment with Good Shepherd Urgent Care.
See how our ER wait times are calculated.

GSH InfectiousDisease_300x350A specialty focused on diagnosing, treating and helping you manage your infectious disease. Our expertise encompasses infections of the sinuses, heart, brain lungs, urinary tract, bowel, bones, and pelvic organs. We also are able to treat infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites.

A physician referral may be required before treatment can begin.

Our Location

Good Shepherd Medical Group
600 NW 11th Street
Hermiston, OR 97838

Phone: 541.567.5305

    Request an Appointment

    If this is a medical emergency please call 911. Fields marked with an * are required.

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Email Address *

    Phone Number *

    Preferred Contact Method *

    Birth Date *

    Gender *

    Address *

    City *

    State *

    Zip *

    Service Requested *

    What time of day works best for your appointment?

    Are You a New Patient?

    Do You Have a Primary Care Provider?

    If Yes, What is Their Name?

    How can we help you?

    How did you hear about us?
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