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Infusion therapy administers medication or other treatments that cannot be taken by mouth. Our clinic provides complete infusion therapy services in a caring environment, with a highly trained staff committed to minimizing your downtime while maximizing your comfort.

Please note: A Provider’s referral is necessary to receive services. We provide infusion services under all licensed individual providers in the state of Oregon, working directly with the ordering provider to provide specific individualized care. If your provider is out of state, the Treatment Center medical director will review your case and collaborate with your ordering provider to arrange the reception of care in the Treatment Center.

Our goal is to provide compassionate, high-quality, and accessible health care to our community members, close to home, by honoring treatment plans developed by all licensed providers. For more information on how to be referred, please click here.

Infusion Services

  • Antibiotic Therapy
  • CADD pump management
  • Infusions for dehydration
  • Biological infusions (Remicade, Entyvio, Orencia etc…)
  • Blood products
  • Lab draws from PICCs, and Ports
  • Iron products for Anemia (low iron)
  • Therapeutic phlebotomy

Injection Services

  • All medications that require administration into the tissue or muscle that are non-cytotoxic (chemotherapy). Examples of such medications:
    • Xolair
    • Prolia
    • Procrit

Supportive Therapies for Patients Receiving Chemo

  • All supportive medications needed to be administered by a healthcare provider that is non-cytotoxic (Chemotherapy) to support Cancer treatments. Examples of such medications:
    • Zometa
    • Zarxio/Granix
    • Neulasta
    • Neupogen

Advanced Lines

  • Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC line) placement and maintenance
  • Port-a-cath maintenance
  • Ultrasound IV placement

Our Infusion Specialists

Vascular Access Board Certification (VA-BC)
Nurses with VA-BC must have post-secondary education, 1 year of professional experience in vascular access, be involved in assessing planning, implementing, and evaluating care needs of patients with vascular access, and pass an examination that measures basic knowledge, skill and abilities expected of professionals working in vascular access.

PICC Trained Nurses
To train in placing Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICCs) our nurses complete a theoretical course with a supervised practicum, successfully insert PICCs in simulation and then under observation by a qualified preceptor. This allows our nurses to place PICCs for intensive or lengthy infusion regimens.

Ultrasound IV Start Trained Nurses
Our ultrasound IV start nurses complete a theoretical course followed by hands on competency evaluation and successful insertions monitored by a qualified preceptor before training is complete. This allows nurses to utilize ultrasound technology to achieve IV insertion with fewer attempts for even the most difficult veins.

Our Location

Phone: 541.667.3680
Good Shepherd Treatment Center
610 NW 11th Street
Hermiston, OR 97838

Good Shepherd Health Care System Main Hospital Entrance, Second Floor



